Curl Curl Residence - Drawing Perspective
Curl Curl Residence - Model


Location of Project – NORTH CURL CURL

Year Project Commenced – 2005

MHDP cleverly handled the restrictions of the site to maximise the floor area and spacial experience of the building.

A form inspired by the adjacent cliffs and detail inspired by the neighbouring heritage house by Sidney Anchor, this cliff-top house wraps around a protected courtyard.  Built on two sites with different restrictive covenants the design, with a circulation spine down the centre, took advantage of the controls to create different spatial experiences on each side of the spine.  The difficulty turned into the drama.


The first discussion with Mark was about what I wanted to do with the site, it was not about what he wanted or would do.  This capacity to work with me and do what I wanted to achieve yet contribute so much more than I expected resulted in an enjoyable and successful process and outcome.

The site I had bought had a number of seemingly conflicting constraints including two separate covenants along with restrictive Council controls for a sensitive site.  Impressively the design that developed was able to resolve all these issues as well as encompassing my specific requirements not only for the building design but for the way it was to be built.  In understanding that time was an issue Mark achieved a design that was quickly approved by Council.

Although my brief was for a large home it doesn’t feel big because everything is within reach.  The day-to-day fundamental movement through the house is direct, making it a delight and joy to live in.  I live in and enjoy every aspect of the house and it amazes me that I have never discovered an opportunity that we missed in building this house.  The way it responds to the views, the site and the environment are a constant pleasure.