Cabarita Road - Drawing
Cabarita Road CGI 2
Cabarita Road CGI


Location of Project –  AVALON

Year Project Commenced – 2018

MHDP’s involvement resulted in a subdivision that achieved for the Client eleven luxury houses on a site that had never been successfully developed – and all of this was achieved by impacting only 8% of the identified significant trees.

The Careel Bay site is the largest privately owned waterfront land holding fronting Pittwater.  For a number of years the Client had various entities looking at developing the site, none of which were either viable, approvable or respected the site in the way the Client wanted.

MHDP’s approach was to work with the site and its environmental constraints to maximise the development opportunity.  In order to do this individual house designs were developed around a detailed Arborist study of all the trees and from this the site capacity was established.  An initial Pre-DA meeting with Council was well received and the parameters for submission determined.

It was resolved to apply for subdivision application concurrently with a development application for each residence which would allow Council to assess all of the complex Planning and Environmental constraints.

The resulting subdivision achieved eleven luxury houses and associated infrastructure including driveways, waterfront facilities and garbage enclosure.  All of this was achieved by impacting only 8% of the identified significant trees.  The proposed landscape plan replaced three trees for each tree lost.

All elements of the development were designed with environmental sustainability as a core feature including a natural filtering stormwater system of bio ponds.  Green roofs capture and filter rainwater and also allows the buildings to blend into the natural environment when viewed from the public domain above.

The forms of the buildings are inspired by the natural rock elements visible on the Pittwater escarpments, softened curved edged forms with strong horizontal shadow.  Each house is unique, maximising sun amenity, natural ventilation and views.  The houses focus on quality lifestyle with easy day to day living functions as well as sophisticated and flexible living arrangements.

The development application was well received by Council and subsequently approved.  We are looking forward to developing this exciting project as it moves to its next phase.  The sites are currently for sale.

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